Port Tauranga, NZ: Bryan Miller
"The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision." - Helen Keller
Interested in becoming a consultant? Or maybe you're wondering if you could connect with HSC as a consultant? If the latter, sorry, but HSC does not employ outside consultants. Nor do we act as a clearinghouse for consulting work. Instead we work with a select group of "hand-picked" highly experienced and HSC-trained consultants.
But all is not lost! If you are interested in starting to get consulting work or want to develop your own consulting practice--we can help! HSC has been training and helping consultants get their own consulting gigs going for years. We have trained working professionals and students just starting their training. We help them understand the pathway and tools they need to work with organizations and businesses. Our goal is to find and support quality "people people" to help make the human side of organizational existence as positive as it can be.
If you have some training or experience in the helping professions or business, have a heart to improve the human experience of work, and want to operate as an advisor then our training will help you get started. Below are some of the resources and links to training to help you get started in your practice.
Join HSC Academy -- Enjoy our free trainings or Get trained as a consultant!
Consulting with organizations: a free brief introduction! (Less than 30 min. of video)
Our favorite tool of all: Trello! Learn how to use it for many of your business needs in our training.
Beyond the Couch at Amazon or support the author and buy from our site here.
Contact us for the following products:
Live Boot Camp (time arranged when 8-10 trainees are available)
Recorded Boot Camp
Boot Camp Materials
Quick Start Guide
Joni a video conference hosted by HSC